Bag Holder Design

Bag Holder Design

2 minutes

Paper bags are great. They are much more sustainable than their plastic counterparts and they are reusable and recyclable. I often keep or collect these bags because they have so many uses.

The issue I have is that I don’t have a good place to put them. At the moment, they are stored behind my recycling bin, being propped up. When I take out the recycling they all fall down and make a mess.

Considering that I had just done some modifications to my 3D printer, I thought it would be a reasonable idea to test it by printing a larger model.

Drafting some ideas

I first began to sketch out some ideas on paper of what I thought would work. Eventually, I came up with a low profile design that utilized bamboo skewers to support the bags.

Some initial drafting done on paper.

The skewers used in the model are they typical ones you can find in your average grocery store.

I finalized the model, and moved over to Fusion to design it in full.

My attempt at transfering my sketch to Fusion 360.

The idea is that bamboo skewers will be placed in the holes, and the force of the bags will be distributed across them. By putting them at an angle allows many bags to fit in a smaller footprint.

The design holding my bag stash (left). Directly after installation (right).



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